Cystic Fibrosis DNA Testing

Find out if you carry a mutation in the CFTR gene

  1. A disease affecting the respiratory and digestive systems
  2. Approximately 1 in 25 Caucasians carry a mutation in the CFTR gene
  3. Simple mouth swab DNA test with results in 1 – 2 weeks

About Cystic Fibrosis

About the Cystic Fibrosis DNA Test

Over 1900 mutations have been identified in the CFTR gene and over 500 of these are known to contribute towards the symptoms of cystic fibrosis. Some mutations in the CFTR gene do not lead to disease, some mutations lead to mild symptoms that may not appear until adulthood.

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About Cystic Fibrosis DNA Testing

Cystic Fibrosis DNA Test

What is the CFTR gene? How many mutations are identified in this DNA test? Does this test identify all mutations in the CFTR gene?

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Get Tested

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Order by Phone: 1-888-828-1899 Monday to Friday, 8AM – 5PM PST (11AM – 8PM ET)

Getting Started

for Healthcare Providers and Hospitals

Receive more information or to get your clinic set to up offer Cystic Fibrosis DNA testing to your patients.


Cystic Fibrosis FAQs

Your Cystic Fibrosis DNA Test Results

How will I receive my results? How long will testing take? What are the possible results and what are the interpretations for each result type?

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